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Cognitive and emotional intelligence in the context of school achievement

  1. TitleCognitive and emotional intelligence in the context of school achievement
    Subtitlewhat a new challenge in the education of 21st century IS
    Author infoLada Kaliská
    Author Kaliská Lada 1976- (100%) UMBPF08 - Katedra psychológie
    Source document Izazovi vaspitanja i obrazovanja u 21. veku : challenges of education in the 21st century, zbornik radova, meždunarodna naučna konferencija, Sombor, 9. apríla 2016. S. 37-57. - Sombor : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Pedagoški fakultet u Somboru, 2017 / Marković Saša ; Bogosavljević Radmila ; Izazovi vaspitanja i obrazovanja u 21. veku meždunarodna naučna konferencija
    Keywords črtová emocionálna inteligencia - trait emotional intelligence   general intelligence   school achievement   korelačné analýzy - correlation analysis   regresná analýza - regression analysis  
    LanguageSerbo-Croatian (Cyrillic)
    systematics 159.9
    AnnotationThe study extends the research of intelligence concept. It presents correlation analysis of cognitive intelligence (assessed by Intelligence Structure Test /IST/ by R. Amthauer /1973/) and school achievement (assessed by final term grades from the mother tongue / Slovak language/ and Mathematics) in a research sample of 151 high school students estimating the moderate significant correlation (r=.39; p≤.001) between IQ and grades from Math especially for boys. Regression model predicted 14% of its variance. Weak significant correlation (r=.17; p≤.05) between IQ and grades from Slovak language was estimated where regression model predicted only 2% of its variance. Pearson´s correlation analysis proved low to zero correlations (.02≤.r≤.11) between global level of trait emotional intelligence /EI/ (assessed by the verified Slovak version of Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-short form /TEIQue-SF/) and general intelligence and also the final term grades from the Slovak language and Math. Trait emotional intelligence seems to be a psychological construct completely different from the cognitive one and school achievement. These results support construct validity of trait emotional intelligence construct (its discriminant character). The study points at the necessity to facilitate social-emotional learning at schools of the 21st century to keep up adolescent´s mental health.
    Public work category AFA
    No. of Archival Copy39848 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    References (4) - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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    39848-12586.3 KB
Number of the records: 1  

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