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Regional innovation systems analysis and evaluation: the case of the Czech Republic
Title Regional innovation systems analysis and evaluation: the case of the Czech Republic Author info Jan Stejskal, Helena Kuvíková, Beáta Mikušová Meričková Author 3 (34%)
Co-authors Kuvíková Helena 1950- (33%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
Mikušová Meričková Beáta 1976- (33%) UMBEF15 - Katedra verejnej ekonomiky a regionálneho rozvoja
Source document Knowledge spillovers in regional innovation systems : a case study of CEE regions. Pp. 81-113 [1,65 AH]. - Cham : Springer, 2018 / Stejskal Jan ; Hájek Petr ; Hudec Oto Keywords inovácie - innovations RIS Headings Geogr. Česko Language English Country Switzerland systematics 33 Annotation Regional innovation systems (RIS) have become a very important regional policy instrument. This instrument is based on linkages among the region’s institutions from the public and private sector. These linkages are very important because they provide an environment for the innovation process, which is the primary goal of the RIS. In this paper, we have defined and described the main characteristics common to every RIS. Knowledge of these characteristics allows us to create a new method to make it possible to analyze individual RISes. The goal of this chapter is to present a new method for evaluating RISes. The method must by easily applied in order for it to be used practically to map the development of the individual innovative systems in a region. The method is based on evaluating both qualitative and quantitative indicators and on applying WSA methods. The paper presents the application of this method on individual regions in the Czech Republic (NUTS3). Public work category AEC No. of Archival Copy 42135 Repercussion category PANIKAROVA, Svetlana. Analysis of the effectiveness of the regional innovation system : a case study on polyethnic regions of the Russian Federation. In Transylvanian review of administrative sciences. ISSN 1842-2845, 2019, special issue, pp. 41-58.
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Number of the records: 1