Number of the records: 1
Designing social inquiry
Title Designing social inquiry Subtitle scientific inference in qualitative research Author info Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba; with a new preface by Robert O. Keohane and Gary King Author King Gary
Co-authors Keohane Robert O. 1941-
Verba Sidney
Issue data Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2021. - xvii, 243 s. : tab., 24 cm ISBN 978-0-691-22462-6 Note New edition. - Bibliografia. Bibliografické odkazy. Register Keywords sociálne vedy - social sciences spoločenské vedy - social sciences sociálny výskum - social research kvalitatívny výskum - qualitative research vedecká metodológia - metodológia vedy - scientific methodology - science methodology Form. Descr. príručky - handbooks, kolektívne monografie - collective monographies Language English Country United States of America systematics 30 3 303 303.022 001.8 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 1, currently available 0 Call number Location Sublocation Umiestnenie Info 390861 Univerzita Mateja Bela Reading room of political science and law vypož. (until 29.01.2026)
Number of the records: 1