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The study of motivation in legal English learning

  1. TitleThe study of motivation in legal English learning
    Author infoAnna Schneiderová
    Author Schneiderová Anna 1968- (100%) UMBPR02 - Katedra medzinárodného, európskeho práva a právnej komunikácie
    Source document Foreign languages: a bridge to innovations in higher education : zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie, Banská Bystrica, 17. 10. 2014. CD-ROM, s. 125-135. - Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2014 / Zelenková Anna 1952- ; Zelenková Anna 1952- ; Olejárová Miriam 1951- ; Chorvát Ján 1948- ; Mešková Ľudmila 1948- ; Javorčíková Jana 1974- ; Spišiaková Mária 1959- ; Rosenbaum Franková Lucia 1979- ; Foreign languages: a bridge to innovations in higher education medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
    Keywords angličtina - anglický jazyk - English language   výučba cudzích jazykov - cudzojazyčná výučba - foreign language teaching   motivácia - motivation   inštrumentálna motivácia  
    CountrySlovak Republic
    systematics 811.111
    AnnotationThis study examines the type and level of Legal English learning motivation (instrumental or integrative) of a group of first-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Law, Matej Bel University, Slovakia. A modified motivational survey of 20 items and 10 open-ended questions was conducted. The data were analysed by means of frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The main findings show that the students are relatively “highly” motivated and found to be slightly more “integratively” motivated to learn Legal English. This reveals that integrative motivation is a significant factor among this group of students learning Legal English. Based on the results of this study some important and useful motivational implications and suggestions are formulated for increasing and improving students´ motivation. Also, the findings may lead to innovations in the curricula related to teaching both Legal English and law courses taught in an English language.
    Public work category AFD
    No. of Archival Copy31192 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
    Databasexpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


Number of the records: 1  

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