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Title Keď sa láme čas Subtitle nad textom Hany Zelinovej Jakubko Author info Zuzana Bariaková Author Bariaková Zuzana 1978- (100%) UMBFH12 - Katedra slovenského jazyka a literatúry
Source document Acta Facultatis Humanisticae Universitatis Matthiae Belii Neosoliensis : humanitné vedy - literárna veda : zborník vedeckých štúdií učiteľov a doktorandov Fakulty humanitných vied Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. S. 168-181. - Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta humanitných vied, 2010 / Krnová Kristína 1952- ; Homolová Eva 1954- ; Ardamica Zorán 1970- ; Klimová Katarína 1975- ; Miškovská Jana 1975- ; Pršová Eva 1965- ; Pálková Janka 1977- ; Slezáková Gabriela ; Kačiuškiené Genovaité 1954- ; Rouet Gilles 1958- ; Golema Martin 1966- ; Homolová Eva 1954- ; Kováčik Ľubomír 1964- ; Kolečáni Lenčová Ivica 1954- ; Mešková Ľudmila 1948- ; Ardamica Zorán 1970- ; Bálintová Helena 1958- ; Höhn Eva 1968- ; Ištvánfyová Zuzana ; Kováčová Marta 1961- ; Otrisalová Lucia ; Repoň Anton 1965- ; Šperková Paulína 1977- ; Vallová Elena 1961- ; Zábojníková Hviezdoslava Note Bibl.: s. 180-181 Person keywords Zelinová Hana slovenská spisovateľka, dramaturgička 1914-2004 Keywords literatúra pre deti a mládež - literature for children and youth - children's and juvenile literature spoločenské outsiderstvo inakosť - otherness rómske etnikum povstalecká tematika Language Slovak Country Slovak Republic systematics 821.162.4 Annotation The paper deals with phenomenon of outsiderness in the prose of Hana Zelinová, Jakubko (1959). The text can be placed into the grioup of historical prose for children (because of the plot), but the theme of Slovak National Uprissing is not important for images of outsiderness. The text refers to various abnormalities in human life (f. e. in historical meaning - Second World War; or in its individual meaning - deformation attitude to others). For author´s approach it is not important of her characters are outsiders because of theid colour of skin or physical handicap. They are outiders for bad and mistaken relationships. The outsiderness is the result of moral anomaly while is one as well Public work category AED No. of Archival Copy 16868 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ unrecognised
Number of the records: 1