Number of the records: 1
Thermal analysis of granulometry selected wood dust particles
Title Thermal analysis of granulometry selected wood dust particles Subtitle granulometry of wood dusts Author info Iveta Marková, Emília Hroncová ... [et al.] Author Marková Iveta 1971- (30%) UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
Co-authors Hroncová Emília 1977- (5%) UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
Tomaškin Ján 1963- (15%) UMBFP04 - Katedra životného prostredia
Tureková Ivana (50%)
Source document BioResources. Vol. 13, no. 4 (2018), pp. 8041-8060. - Raleigh : North Carolina State University, 2018 Keywords wood dust analýzy - analysis granulometric analysis of dust samples Language English Country United States of America systematics 502 Annotation Wood dust is generated as a by-product of machining. This paper discusses the granulometric analysis of selected samples of wood-settled dust from spruce (Picea excelsa), fir (Abies alba), oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), and alder (Alnus glutinosa L.). It also includes a sample of a mixture from timber production grinders in order to select the percentages of the various fractions (32 μm, 63 μm, 80 μm, 125 μm, 250 μm, 500 μm, 1000 μm, 2000 μm) of wood dust samples. Wood dust samples were made using a hand orbital sander and sized on an automatic mesh vibratory sieve machine. Comparison of the resulting granulometric fractions’ contributions to wood sanding dust was confirmed by the particle size. This paper presents selected characteristics of the chosen wood dusts by the size of particle dust fractions on the base of continual thermal loading. Thermal properties of wood dust samples were characterized by thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGA results indicated different thermal degradation fractions of the wood dust samples during thermal loading. The wood dust consisted mainly of fractions of 80 μm, 32 μm, and < 32 μm. These fractions of all wood dusts species presented more than 70.00% of the sample (alder dust has more 80% of sample). Thermal characteristics were not confirmed by the particle size and different wood dust URL Link na zdrojový dokument Link na plný text Public work category ADC No. of Archival Copy 43864 Repercussion category OČKAJOVÁ, Alena - BARCÍK, Štefan - KUČERKA, Martin - KOLEDA, Peter - KORČOK, Michal - VYHNÁLIKOVÁ, Zuzana. Wood dust granular analysis in the sanding process of thermally modified wood versus its density. In BioResources. ISSN 1930-2126, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 8559-8572.
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Number of the records: 1