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Transformation of society and values in Slovakia
Title Transformation of society and values in Slovakia Author info Pavel Fobel Author Fobel Pavel 1953-2023 (100%) UMBFH11 - Katedra etiky a aplikovanej etiky
Source document Towards the information society : [conference] From an information society to a knowledge society: democracy-participation-technology assessment workshop, Prague 03-05 February 1999, Vol. 9. Pp. 153-160. - Berlin : Springer, 2000 Keywords spoločenská transformácia - sociálna transformácia - transformácia spoločnosti - social transformation kríza hodnôt Language English Country Germany Public work category AFC No. of Archival Copy 18 BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Database xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ article
Number of the records: 1