Počet záznamov: 1  

Budovanie kultu Jozefa Tisa

  1. NázovBudovanie kultu Jozefa Tisa
    Súbež.n.Building up the cult of Jozef Tiso
    Aut.údajeAnton Hruboň
    Autor Hruboň Anton 1989- (100%) UMBFF03 - Katedra európskych kultúrnych štúdií
    Zdroj.dok. Kultúrne dejiny. Roč. 8, č. 2 (2017), s. 213-239. - Ružomberok : Verbum - vydavateľstvo KU, 2017
    Heslá pers. Tiso Jozef rímskokatolícky kňaz, prezident prvej Slovenskej republiky 1887-1947
    Kľúč.slová kult osobnosti - cult of personality - personality cult   martýrstvo - martyrdom   Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana (HSĽS) - Hlinka's Slovak people's party   Slovenský štát - Slovak State  
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Systematika 94(437)
    AnotáciaA politician and the first Slovak president, Jozef Tiso, is among the most discussed figures in the Slovak national history and the views of his political activities vary. The wide variability of the reflection of Tiso's political activities oscillates from uncritical demonization through professionally balanced views to the eulogizing and apologetic perception of his career and the steps he took in the position of a professional politician between 1938 and 1945. The paper deals with the latter interpretation, analysing the process of building up the cult of Jozef Tiso in the Slovak political culture, from its origin up to the present. In the chronological order, it pays attention to the individual aspects of the image of the national genius" and the first-class statesman" with the noble human qualities created by the propaganda apparatus of the Ludak regime, and subsequently, after Tiso's execution in April 1947, to the image of a martyr created and formed by the pro-Ludak émigrés and the adherents of this ideological line in Slovakia after 1989. The study analyzes the issue in a wider European context against the background of the concept of sacralised policy, using Tiso's example to point to its similarities with other New Europe" leaders as well as to Slovak specifics. The paper also describes the current forms of practising Tiso's cult, framed by some old-Timers' nostalgia for the wartime Slovak State and the deliberate legendizing Tiso's person for the purposes of political instrumentalization.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADN
    Číslo archívnej kópie40926
    Kategória ohlasuPEJS, Oldřich. Jozef Tiso jako hlava státu a nejvyšší vojenský velitel (od předsedy vlády k prezidentovi). In Vojenská história : časopis pre vojenskú históriu múzejníctvo a archívnictvo. ISSN 1335-3314, 2018, roč. 22, č. 2, s. 7-34.
    VITKO, Martin (ed.) Slovenský štát 1939-1945 : válka, společnost, život. Brno : Extra publishing, 2019. 82 s. ISBN 978-80-7525-222-7.
    MARUNIAK, Matej. Attempts at introducing the Czechoslovak people's party in Slovakia up until 1925 and attitudes of the Slovak people's party in the view of contemporary press. In Studia theologica. ISSN 1212-8570, 2018, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 179-197.
    PANCZOVÁ, Zuzana. The victims, the guilty, and "us": notions of victimhood in Slovakian conspiracy theorie. In Conspiracy theories in Eastern Europe : tropes and trends. London : Routledge, 2021. ISBN 978-0-367-34477-1, pp. 186-204.
    NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, Xosé M. From predappio to meirás: the sites of the dictators in Europe (1945-2021). In Passato e presente. ISSN 1120-0650, 2021, no. 113, pp. 17-31.
    FOGELOVÁ, Patrícia - PEKÁR, Martin. Disciplinované mesto : zásahy politiky do verejného priestoru na Slovensku 1938 – 1945. Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2021. [189] s. ISBN 978-80-8152-977-1.
    ŻARNA, Krzysztof. Analiza dynamiki stosunków Republiki Słowackiej z Republiką Federalną Niemiec w latach 1993-2002. In Przegląd Zachodni. ISSN 0033-2437, 2020, no. 2, pp. 281-296.
    NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, Xosé M. Sites of the dictators : memories of authoritarian Europe, 1945-2020. Abingdon : Routlege, 2021. 218 p. ISBN 978-0-367-68410-5.
    SZABÓ, Miloslav. This new biography of Tiso does not reach the level of today’s historical knowledge. In Soudobé dějiny. ISSN 1210-7050, 2022, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 252-259.
    DRELOVÁ ŠÚSTOVÁ, Agáta. The martyrdom of Jozef Tiso : the entanglements of the sacred and secular in post-war catholic memories. In Memory and religion from a postsecular perspective. Abingdon : Routledge, 2022. ISBN 978-1-032-20698-1, pp. 133-155.
    FOGELOVÁ, Patrícia. To work - to sacrife - to die : the cult of militray martyrs and its manifestation in Slovakia during the years 1938-1945. In Hungarian historical review. ISSN 2063-8647, 2022, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 205-234.
    SZABÓ, Miloslav. Hitler’s priests in Slovakia? On the convergence of catholicism and fascism in Nazi "New Europe". In Soudobé dějiny. ISSN 1210-7050, 2022, vol. 29. no. 1, pp. 262-269.
    RONČÁKOVÁ, Terézia. Religion in cartoons of Slovak mainstream newspapers. In Studia theologica. ISSN 1212-8570, 2023, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 113-141.
    TOMAS, Domagoj. Croatian and Slovak political Catholicism and clericalism in the period between the First and the Second World War. In Review of Croatian history. ISSN 1845-4380, 2023, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 245-277.
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika


    TitleSexualita a postihnutie
    Subtitlemorálne kontexty sexuality osôb s postihnutím
    Author inforec. Bibiána Hlebová, Denisa Selická
Počet záznamov: 1  

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