Počet záznamov: 1
Analysis of the teacher´s didactic activities with an emphasis on child preconceptions
Názov Analysis of the teacher´s didactic activities with an emphasis on child preconceptions Aut.údaje Adriana Wiegerová, Petra Trávničková Autor Wiegerová Adriana (50%)
Spoluautori Trávničková Petra (50%)
Zdroj.dok. ICERI 2017 : 10th international conference of education, research and innovation, 16.-18.11.2017, Seville : conference proceedings. online, pp. 5742-5749. - Valencia : International association of technology, education and development (IATED), 2017 ; ICERI 2017 medzinárodná konferencia Kľúč.slová vývoj dieťaťa - vývin dieťaťa - child development materské školy - kindergartens - kindergardens učitelia materských škôl - predškolskí učitelia - preschool teachers - kindergarten teachers Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Španielsko Anotácia Children who come to kindergarten already have different experiences with the world and ideas about it. They have already developed their own theories of diverse phenomena, and these built-in constructs, which have their own logic and meaning, are very strong. They also often differ significantly from relevant theories of the adult world. However, they are children's own interpretations of various phenomena and therefore they are valuable for them. The emergence of these theories depends on everything that happens around the child. People, things, culture, and basically everything with which the child comes into contact. Therefore, it is necessary to perceive these preconceptions as real, equivalent theories and to approach them equally. The present study focuses on monitoring the work of kindergarten teachers. The kindergarten is considered to be a place where a typical teacher-pupil model of education does not take place. This would create a space for the use of child preconceptions Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC Číslo archívnej kópie E4211 Báza dát xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ nerozpoznaný
Počet záznamov: 1