Počet záznamov: 1
Economic diplomacy and the role of diplomatic missions nowadays
Názov Economic diplomacy and the role of diplomatic missions nowadays Aut.údaje Erik Pajtinka Autor Pajtinka Erik 1981- (100%) UMBPO03 - Katedra medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie
Zdroj.dok. Gazdaság & Társadalom. Vol. 8, no. 1 (2016), pp. 32-43. - Sopron : Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kiadó, 2016 Kľúč.slová ekonomická diplomacia - economic diplomacy diplomatické misie - diplomatic missions Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Maďarsko Systematika 327 Anotácia The article analyses the potential role of diplomatic missions as a specific kind of foreign affairs state bodies in the pursuit of economic diplomacy that is considered to be a set of activities aimed at promoting foreign economic interests of state by peaceful means. It is believed that the diplomatic missions are one of the key actors of economic diplomacy at present. They play an important or even a vital role in implementing a number of diplomatic functions, particularly the promotion of trade and investment, providing political support to businesses abroad as well as shaping economic legislation. The added value of diplomatic missions as actors of economic diplomacy lies in their ability to provide entrepreneur sector with useful information on business and investment opportunities abroad, which is especially useful for small and medium enterprises, or to provide political support to businesses in foreign countries, which is in some countries and/or in some cases a prerequisite for companies to succeed Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADE Číslo archívnej kópie 37771 Kategória ohlasu FORMAL, Nikolaev. K voprosu ob opredelenie termina ekonomičeskaja diplomatija. In Studenteska nauka i 21 vek [online]. 2017, č. 15, s. 496-499 [cit. 2018-05-21]. ISSN 2308-9601. Dostupné na: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32663523
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Počet záznamov: 1