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  1. NázovBlended learning as a means to differentiate and optimise corporate training
    Aut.údajeMichaela Tureckiová, Jaroslav Veteška, Alena Vališová
    Autor Tureckiová Michaela (30%)
    Spoluautori Veteška Jaroslav (40%)
    Vališová Anna (30%)
    Zdroj.dok.7th European conference on e-learning (ECEL) : Cyprus, November 6-7, 2008. Pp. [1-8]. - Reading : ACAD conferences, 2008 ; European conference on e-learning medzinárodná konferencia
    Kľúč.slová vzdelávanie zamestnancov - education of employees - employee training and education   blended learning   cieľové skupiny  
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaVeľká Británia
    Systematika 37
    AnotáciaIn current corporate environment, characterised on the one hand by a tightening competition, turbulence and permanent change and on the other hand by an effort to develop interorganisational learning and sharing of knowledge within networks of strategic alliances, the importance of corporate training and other ways of organizational learning has been growing. Changes and further positive development of corporate training are virtually impossible without the establishment and application of human resource development strategy, the important component of which is a corporate training strategy, combining effectively a systematic approach to this organisation development programme with the opportunities of blended learning. It is this strategic approach, that leads to redefining of corporate training, which has been recently understood in theory as well as in practice as a systematic process of fulfilling training and mainly individual and team developmental needs through the application of blended learning so as to maximise mutual positive effect of applied instruments (andro-didactics methods, techniques and organizational forms of adult education). The effectiveness is measured by a reduction or optimisation of costs invested in staff training and development, practical application of the learned knowledge and a positive effect on performance efficiency (competency-based development and performance appraisal) as well as the motivation and retention of "key players", the so-called hi-performers and hi-potentials.
    URLPriamy link
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFC
    Číslo archívnej kópieE3323
    Kategória ohlasu PISOŇOVÁ, Mária. Philosophical explication of requirements on the process of education : novelty or relic? In XLinguae. ISSN 1337-8384, 2016, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 83-90.
    HATÁR, Ctibor. Sociálna pedagogika, sociálna andragogika a sociálna práca - teoretické, profesijné a vzťahové reflexie. Praha : EDUCA Service, 2009. 144 s. ISBN 978-80-87306-01-7.
    Báza dátxpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ


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