Počet záznamov: 1
Thermal conductivity of spruce, beech and oak heartwood degraded with Trametes versicolor L. Lloyd
Názov Thermal conductivity of spruce, beech and oak heartwood degraded with Trametes versicolor L. Lloyd Aut.údaje Barbora Slováčková Autor Slováčková Barbora TUZDFNOD - Katedra náuky o dreve Zdroj.dok. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen : vedecký časopis Drevárskej fakulty. Vol. 63, no. 1 (2021), s. 5-12. - Zvolen : Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2021 Poznámky Lit. Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Slovenská republika Systematika 630*852 699.86 533.735 Heslá degradované drevo - degraded wood * tepelné izolácie - thermal insulations * tepelná vodivosť - thermal conductivity * tepelná difúzia - thermal diffusivity Anotácia A new type of bio-based thermal insulation is proposed in this paper. This material is made of wood waste (from wood working manufacture or otherwise non-processable wood) which is intentionally degraded with a white rot fungus. Degradation of wood has an impact on its properties and this impact may be positive for re-purposing the use of such material. The main focus is on thermal properties of this material. A decrease in the values of degraded wood thermal conductivity is described by a fraction of the thermal conductivity value of degraded wood to the value of thermal conductivity of undegraded wood. The fraction for spruce wood was 0.8 in longitudinal direction; 0.64 in radial direction and 0.54 in tangential direction. For beech wood, the fractions were 0.82 for longitudinal direction; 0.61 for radial direction and 0.69 for tangential direction. A decrease in thermal conductivity in oak heartwood was noticeable only in tangential direction; the fraction between thermal diffusivity values was 0.67. The values of thermal conductivity are in good agreement with thermal conductivity values of other bio-based thermal insulation materials. URL https://df.tuzvo.sk/sites/default/files/01-01-21.pdf Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADN Báza dát xcla - ČLÁNKY Druh dok. RBX - rozpis článkov z periodík Odkazy PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika Čísla 2021: 1 článok
Počet záznamov: 1